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// Events / XTREME masters 6h-12h Schwanenstadt - 24. Juli 2011 / Starter list Deutsch/English -- Sunday 30. June 2024

Starter list XTREME masters 6h-12h Schwanenstadt
Intrest OG / SKDO12h / 4er TeamÜbleis Stefan - Ingelsberger Horst - Kinberger Thomas - Staflinger Robert
MACO-RACE12h / 4er TeamBuchner Hannes - Andexer Robert - Prodinger Hans-Peter - Schossleitner Josef
RC ARBÖ Grassinger Lambach12h / 4er TeamAmeshofer Walter - Muckenhuber Martin - Hager Siegfried - Ditzlmüller Walter
RSC Götzing12h / 4er TeamSchwarz Christoph - Stavinoha Karl-Heinz - Stavinoha Severin - Brüderl Sebastian
Schmid Holzbau12h / 4er TeamSchmid Josef - Schwarz Dietmar - Seyringer Franz - Windischbauer Gerald
Please understand that the starters can only be released after a manual review.

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