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// Events / 2. Scharnsteiner Abendmeile - 9. August 2008 / Starter list Deutsch/English -- Sunday 30. June 2024

Starter list 2. Scharnsteiner Abendmeile
Wiesinger ManfredAbendmeile - 6,6kmLC MKW HAUSRUCK
Wimroither HerbertAbendmeile - 6,6km 
Wittmann GeorgKinder I - 800m Jg.1999-2000 
Wittmann TinaKnirpse - 500m Jg.2001 und j. 
Wölflingseder LeopoldAbendmeile - 6,6kmRudolf Wagner KG
Wölflingseder SiegfriedAbendmeile - 6,6kmRudolf Wagner KG
Zalto EgonAbendmeile - 6,6kmCarvatech
Zauner DanielAbendmeile - 6,6km 
Zobl AnitaAbendmeile - 6,6kmSole Brennero
Zwicklhuber JanineKinder I - 800m Jg.1999-2000WSV
Zwicklhuber NoahKnirpse - 500m Jg.2001 und j.WSV
Please understand that the starters can only be released after a manual review.
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